Friday, January 18, 2008


We had our first snow of the year yesterday, and it was so much fun!!! Ryan was amazed. We woke him up at 7:30 to make sure he could play in it before it all melted. He played outside for about an hour until his fingers were freezing.....he was helping me build a snowman and throwing snowballs! After we played for a while, he said, "Mom, can I eat it?" "Sure," I said. Needless to say, his little white knit gloves were cold and wet before too long, so he was ready to come inside for a warm bath and some hot chocolate.
Sam wasn't as crazy about the whole thing. I think he was wondering why I had him in so many clothes. (He prefers his birthday suit.)
Anyway, a great time was had by all. Enjoy the pics.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Am I adorable or what?!

Sam is 6 months old now and cuter than ever!! These were taken when he woke up yesterday morning. Heaven on earth!!!

Jay's birthday

Jay turned 32 on Saturday!! I think he's trying to send a message with his birthday presents. He says, "If you're in the process, you have nothing to be afraid of. If you're not in the process, you should be afraid.....very afraid!"Got it?

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Christmas in Alabama

We spent Christmas in Alabama with the family this year and had a wonderful visit. It was Sam's first Christmas so that was really special.But the most fun was seeing Ryan discover all his gifts from Santa on Christmas morning! We visited with NanNan, Pops, Great Gran, Papa Jerry, Aunt Hope and Uncle Stuart for 5 days and then drove to Birmingham to visit ShaSha for a few days. Altogether the trip was 9 days, and while we had a wonderful time we were glad to be home on Saturday.
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