Tuesday, November 6, 2007


We had a wonderful time on Halloween this year. Ryan passed out candy to all the trick or treaters that came to the house. We had so many!!! We ran out of candy in about an hour and then went to the fall festival at Western Avenue Baptist. Ryan was very "selective" with his candy. If you had on a scary costume, he wouldn't put any candy in your pumpkin. He'd say, "You do it, Mommy" and he'd hide behind me. After one of the "Scary Movie" masks, he went and got his sword to "defend the home." It was actually quite funny!
Sam was the cutest little pumpkin. He just sat out on the porch in his little outfit to greet the trick or treaters. He was so adorable!

1 comment:

Aunt Hope said...

They look so precious in their costumes!